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Web App Starter Package


The All-In-One package to realize your custom app

The basics are in place, full focus on the essentials

The package includes all the minimum requirements to get your individual web app planned, developed, delivered, maintained and used in the shortest possible time.

The Web App Starter Package is the basic framework for your app. Once this is in place, you only need to worry about your individual logic. This saves time and money.

In addition to the development and runtime environments, the basic package contains well-structured source code projects for frontend and backend, which are equipped with modern frameworks and a selection of our in-house modules.

The package includes the following modules:

Front end

The front end is the part of a website or app that users can see and interact with. It allows for navigating and entering data as well as receiving feedback.


The backend is the part of a website or app that runs in the background and processes everything that happens on the user interface. It is responsible for storing data, calculating processes and executing tasks.


A database is a place in the backend where data is stored. All information for a website or app is collected and organized in a database so that it can be called up at any time.

Development environment

A development environment is a place where developers work to create or improve a website or an app. Here programmers can do their work and see their progress on the website or app.

Setting up the runtime environments

A runtime environment is where a website or app runs when users use it. This is where users can interact with the website or app while the background processes are running on the server.

Deployment, training and documentation

Deployment is the process of publishing a website or app on a server so that users can access it. In addition to deployment, we also provide training and documentation.

Custom branding and corporate identity

Custom branding and corporate identity are things companies use to increase recognition. It can include a logo, colors, fonts, and other elements that define the company's look and feel.

Authentication and Users

Authentication is the process by which users confirm their identity in order to access a website or app. Users can then use certain functions depending on the rights assigned to them, e.g. uploading content or browsing data.

Support and update packages are available for this product on request.

Technical details of the modules:

Front end

Integration and configuration of the frameworks
Vue.js, Quasar.js, Vuexfire, i18n, Vuex, Firebase

Basic layout and menu
Header, Footer, Drawer menu, Menu substructures visibility by user role

Firebase authentication module
Setup for a sign-in provider, user login form, user registration form, email verification optional, password reset via Firebase Admin GUI

User role system module
Implementation of the Firebase Custom Claims, including 2 user roles, an admin and an application-related role

User management module
User List with the option to assign and revoke user roles

User profile module
Form for master data management by the users themselves

App settings module
System settings form with 2 configuration objects

Multilingual module
It is possible to display the application in multiple languages ​​if required by simply storing the appropriate translations


Integration and configuration of the frameworks
Firebase, Controller Pattern, Service Pattern

Firebase authentication module
Securing all endpoints with OAUTH

User role system module
Cloud Function for granting and revoking roles


Configurations, users, transfers

Rules module Optimal
Tight Firestore ruleset for all entities, reusable functions. Only minimal and necessary access allowed for all users

Role-based access module
Access control for database tables and rows at user role level

Development environment

Source code project and versioning

Folder structure, configuration files, Firebase frontend project, Firebase Functions project, environment variables, emulator configuration, database versioning and storage rules

Continuous delivery

Set up CI/CD pipeline on, own actions for each unit (firestore, frontend, functions, storage) for 2 environments (dev, production)

Developer licenses for all tools used
Github Pro, CI/CD Pipeline instance and execution time

Setting up the runtime environments (development and production)

Firebase project environment
Firebase project, web app project, service account, billing and subscription

Firebase Firestore Database
Instantiation, Firestore Rules for all collections, user roles at database level

Firebase Storage
Instantiation, Storage Rules

Firebase Hosting
Instantiation, basic configuration, depositing a custom domain

Firebase Functions

Firebase Authentication
Configuration for a sign-in provider

Deployment, training, documentation

Quick introduction to Firebase and tools
Firebase Console, features, pricing model

Brief introduction to basic functions
User administration, role system

Commissioning of the application in the productive environment
Assisting the customer with the setup

Compact documentation page or FAQ
Description of error messages, supporting information suitable for the application

For each delivered version there is an entry in the changelog with a list of the most important changes

Custom branding and corporate identity

Company logo in the app, app icons, and favicon (files are provided by the customer)

User administration, role system

Integration of 2 own fonts in woff format, headings, body text (fonts are provided by the customer)

Linking of internal resources
Up to 3 links to internal web resources in the menu (links, text and icons are provided by the customer)

Authentication and Users

Forms for login and registration for a sign-in provider included

Up to 100 users are possible in self-service at no additional cost

2 user roles included (admin, application role)

The two roles are embedded at all levels in the set of rules in order to be able to manage one role per table and per row. By default, minimum rights are assigned to all roles.