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WooCommerce B2B Order Tool

Ordering tool with order alarm and customer-specific prices

The WooCommerce B2B Order Tool offers you a comprehensive ordering platform with individual prices, perfectly integrated into your WooCommerce system and weclapp.

This makes it easier to manage B2B orders and increases the efficiency of your ordering processes.

How we can help you

Quotation and order processing in the B2B sector is often complex and time-consuming, especially when customers receive customized pricing and volume discounts. In standard WooCommerce stores, managing such pricing models is often confusing and hampers efficient processes.

The WooCommerce B2B Order Tool is a specially developed plugin that addresses this and significantly simplifies the ordering process for B2B customers. You can easily define customer-specific prices per item via weclapp offers and automatically upload them to the WooCommerce metadata of the corresponding customer account. A special highlight is the "order alarm": Automatic reorder reminders are generated based on the weclapp purchase history, so your customers can reorder the appropriate quantity in a timely manner.

Customer-specific prices

Set individual prices and discounts for B2B customers directly in the WooCommerce shop

Automated reorders

The “order alarm” automatically reminds customers of repeat orders based on their purchase history

Consumption figures overview

B2B customers and your sales team receive an overview of consumption figures


  • Personalized shopping experience: Increase customer loyalty by offering personalized prices and products to your B2B customers
  • Time savings: Automate price updates and ordering processes to minimize manual tasks
  • Increased order frequency: The “order alarm” helps your customers place their orders on time, leading to higher sales
  • Increased efficiency: Save valuable resources by automating quotation and order processing

Price: € 208.95 per month

Interested? If you have any questions about the plugin, please contact us directly here and book a free consultation.

Would you like to know more about WooCommerce B2B Order Tool to find out if it fits your challenges?

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