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AI-controlled invoice inbox: Your path to more efficient invoice management

KI-gesteuerte Rechnungs-Inbox: Dein Weg zu einer effizienteren Rechnungsverwaltung

In today's dynamic business world, efficiency and automation are at the top of the list of business goals. One area where you shouldn't neglect these two elements is recording your incoming receipts.

With the help of Power Automate and artificial intelligence (AI), you can easily optimize the invoice management process, start using useful features such as the payment run and collective transfers in weclapp and save more than 20 hours of valuable working time per month.

Companies like hema rack GmbH, hebert systems GmbH and M IT-Systemhaus GmbH already count on the AI-controlled invoice inbox.

A look at the AI ​​invoice inbox

The main goal of the AI ​​Invoice Inbox is to automate the transfer of purchase invoices into your weclapp ERP system. Using advanced AI technology, invoices and their items are precisely recorded and assigned - even PO numbers for order invoices.

The process to automate

The entire process can be divided into one or two central flows as required:

One flow, directly from the email to the incoming invoice:

  • Automatic processing : As soon as an invoice document arrives in the invoice email inbox, an automated flow is triggered that takes over the further processing of the invoice and stores it in weclapp.

Two flows (recommended), via a storage directory for the incoming invoice:

  • Filing invoices : The invoice documents automatically end up in a special SharePoint folder, whether through an incoming email with an invoice attachment in your inbox or by scanning invoices directly into the designated folder with the OneDrive app.

  • Automatic processing : As soon as a new document appears in the SharePoint folder, an automated flow is triggered that takes over the further processing of the invoice.

During automatic processing, the system assigns the documents based on the supplier's UID, the PO number and the supplier's name. The flow recognizes the positions and uploads the data and the document as a PDF. It is also possible to rename the PDF document, as well as to store additional documents related to the invoice, such as confirmations of arrival, delivery notes, etc.

Flexibility and transparency

We rely on the proven Microsoft AI Builder , which uses reliable AI models from Microsoft as an AI model as a service. For you, this means: immediate operational readiness without complications.

Another highlight of our AI invoice inbox is its customizability. It is not a rigid standard solution, but rather a flexible system that works like a template and can be shaped quickly and easily according to your individual needs. This means you always have full control over the process and can design it according to your specific requirements.

Training a customized AI model is also possible with just a few clicks to bring the recognition rates for special document formats to the highest level.

Costs and savings

For just €15 per month you get access to Microsoft Power Automate and the AI ​​Builder. Up to 150 documents can be processed each month. One-off costs for connector, installation, flow template and adjustments amount to approximately € 1,299.

The result? A time saving of around 20 hours per month, even with the very first Power Automate flow template.

Final thoughts

The AI-controlled invoice inbox represents a structured and efficient approach to invoice management. With the combination of AI, automated flows and the OneDrive app, you have the opportunity to optimize your invoice management without sacrificing control and transparency.

If you have any further questions about the invoice inbox, we are happy to help you at any time.