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Fulfillment 4 weclapp

CHF 0.00

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Our standard packages are based on your average monthly delivery quantity. Detailed pricing information can be found at the bottom of this page in the FAQ.

For a free and non-binding trial version of the product, please contact us directly here. We will be happy to provide you with the app free of charge for one month.

On request, we offer onboarding packages with which we will be happy to guide you through the introduction of the system and the associated processes. The onboarding package comprises a contingent of 8 working hours.

This includes the configuration of weclapp and our plugin to ensure smooth integration into your existing operating processes.

The onboarding package also includes

  • Customisation of plugin settings to meet your company's specific requirements.
  • Support with the installation and configuration of weclappOS.
  • Automation of your printing processes to optimise workflows via weclappOS printing rules in weclapp.
  • Comprehensive training for your employees to ensure efficient use of the system.
  • Are your processes anything but standard? No problem, we will of course adapt Fulfilment 4 weclapp to your needs. Short waiting times from order to go-live and customisations within a few days are standard with us.

Mehr zu Fulfillment 4 weclapp

Infos zu den Features sowie den Vorteilen, mit denen das Plugin dein Unternehmen unterstützen kann, erhältst du hier.

Zu den Infos

Would you like to know more about the Fulfillment 4 weclapp app to find out if it fits your challenges?

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